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Glass Fusion Class

A New Journey begins

Last weekend, thanks to my friend Jim Wilcher's encouragement, I took a glass fusion class at a local glass studio/art store in Redmond--Cascade Glass.

 holding result.jpg

In one weekend we had two kiln runs and I managed to make three pieces.  I've since signed up for a month long workshop series and am starting work on a Physical Alchemy piece that will incorporate the glass I make.  I find it very refreshing to dive into a new medium, where I have near zero knowledge. Theory wise, my knowledge of pigments and glazes in painting are really helpful in understanding  some of the aesthetic dynamics of glass. Like many art forms glass fusion and glass art in general is a broad and challenging subject and will no doubt make for years and years of learning. It will be interesting to see how far down this path I go.


One aesthetic dynamic I find key at this point is the interplay between transparency and opacity. Because clear glass (complete transparency) lets light pass through from the rear and the front of the piece, the artist can contemplate fairly complex strategies for the luminous behavior of light in the piece. A painting deals with light from the front, down through its glaze layers ( if it has any) and then back out again. Glass can transfer light from the rear through to the front, and from the front down into the glass where it can strike white opaque and then bounce back up again to the surface. If you've ever seen the luminous beauty of tropical water over white sand, then you've seen this effect.


In this  example you can see a front lit view of the same  piece as in the above photo which is back lit. They look like two different pieces. For this reason, glass art, maybe more than any other, needs to be conceived with the origon of light in mind.

There is a new gallery in the paintings section with more photos from the glass class. Thanks to Jim for taking the great photos.





Sumi Monday

Hot to Cool



 Comfort of the Vastness, Acrylic on paper, 22 x 30, 2003

We had a blistering hot weekend up here in the Puget Sound Region. Of course this was the weekend I chose to do a glass fusion class at a local glass shop. Not as hot as glass blowing but when all the kilns got up to speed I assure you it did not make the room any cooler.  I have never worked with glass before and I found it refreshing. When the instructor asked us if we had any experience with glass it felt great to be able to say "none!" Zero expectations, know nothing. Just teach me. I plan to blog some of the results from the two day glass later in the week. 

The hot weather turned blissfully cool today and I think this Sumi Painting captures the refreshing cool mist  spirit of the day


 Pink Blossom, Gray Moon, Acrylic and Sumi ink on Washi Paper, 2005



The Getty Museum


Probably one of the most renown architectural achievements in the world, the Getty Museum in Los Angeles sits a half a mile from a house I lived in when I went to UCLA. Long before the museum was built, I would go on runs through the sage and scrub foothills, climbing to hilltops that provided commanding views of the LA horizon. So when they announced they were going to build the museum in this same landscape  I knew so well, I was very curious how the building would relate to the land.  One stroke of genius was to keep all the cars away from the main buildings by using a tram to take people up the hill.  It makes you realize how rare it is to experience a building in our age, completely separated from the automobile. This Museum reminds me of the acropolis in Greece in the way that it occupies the high ground and sits Olympus like above the fray of everyday life.


Gold Mist Tree


This painting started with

A splatter of black paint

I saw a tree in the splat

From then on, it was a tree.


New Physical Alchemy

New Assemblage gallery added


Kubada Pagoda and River Maiden Symmetry, 2006, As they look on the wall


So what is Physical Alchemy?  When I was doing lots of the Digital Alchemy pieces I would often find myself in complex discussions with viewers trying to explain the layering process I used in the digital work. At some point I thought. 'I should just do a physical example of what I'm talking about as a visual aid. Little did I know I'd get so enamoured of the process. Traditionally pieces like this can be called mixed media, or more aptly, Assemblage. This is my least delved in genre by number of pieces, partially because they are very involved and take a while to do. This might be why they are often the most satisfying pieces when they're done. I've added a Physical Alchemy Gallery in paintings section.

I am acutely aware of the fact that I don't have an undo button when I'm working on these pieces, or if I do it usually involves industrial sanding, hammer work and maybe starting over from way back in the process.  No easy bifurcations here. One piece in the gallery, Chinese Summer, sat on my desktop for maybe three months in loose pieces, while I tried to figure out if I had the right combination of elements, color, proportion.  It's hard because once I get into the actual 'gluing and screwing it down' I end up improvising and changing, so I have to 'leave room' for that process as well. I've got a few half baked versions in this genre in the basement and in the garage, awaiting the sandblaster and inspiration.

If you think I'm kidding about the sandblaster, I've actually got one and it's great for distressing and deconstructing surfaces. In fact I'm threatening to get it out and set it up again.




Smoke Sentinel

I worked  in the yard all day,  shaping the 1 acre bio-organic sculpture that is our garden. I don't have much energy to blog but want to share this painting with you. Somehow it's connected to the days events.


We had a glorious afternoon up here in the pacific northwest. Yesterday was rainy and today was a slow clearing of clouds until the afternoon glowed with the crystal clear sunshine that warms the heart. My girls roasted marshmallows on the burn pile and the smell of wood smoke infused the yard. When the breeze sent the smoke in certain directions it gave depth and drama to the trees and hills of the garden. I guess I'll have to do a garden gallery soon. Inspired I grabbed the camera and began shooting the girls and the garden through the veils of smoke. Can't wait to see the images. Since there old fashioned color reversal film shots, I have to wait for a trip to the lab.




kalalau valley Journey continued

Another Bifurcation on the Kauai Night Dream tree


I promised to inform you of any future evolution to this piece so here you go. Click on the image to take you to the Art Journey page on Kalalau Valley. An Update is at the end of the page but I've added more information about the solarization process as well. Enjoy.



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